A selection of Centaur’s Accreditations in Fuel Management, Safety and Business…
Association for Petroleum & Explosives Administration (APEA), The Petroleum Equipment Installers & Maintenance Federation (PEIMF), Energy Institute

Working for a safer environment, the Association for Petroleum & Explosives Administration (APEA) is a UK based organisation, drawing membership from all quarters of the petroleum industry, including National/Local Government Authorities, Oil Companies, Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers, Service and Installation Organisations, Training Establishments and many others. The APEA’s key objectives relate to the administration of the Petroleum & Explosives and associated Acts and Environment legislation:
- Advancement of scientific, technical and legal knowledge
- Facilitate the interchange of information, ideas and practice on all related matters
- To attain, so far as is practicable, uniformity in the administration of this legislation
- Co-operate with other bodies. Act as an authoritive body for consulting with government, public bodies and others
The Petroleum Equipment Installers & Maintenance Federation (PEIMF) is the key organisation representing companies in the downstream petroleum industry, throughout the UK and Ireland. With over 110 members, including petroleum contractors, suppliers and ancillary services. Their philosophy is working together, to assist the industry and promote our standing, including:
- Influencing current legislation and providing information to its members on how it is applied.
- Encouraging and establishing good working practices.
- Encouraging the following of the safety codes laid down within the industry for its members, customers and its own employees.
- Contributing to the advancement of knowledge of its members via training and technical expertise.
- Co-operating with all legislators within the industry in the refinement of regulations on behalf of its members.
- Providing for its members information on new equipment entering the market from both home and abroad.
- Actively engage with other bodies in the industry and promoting the Federations aims and objectives.
The result of a merger between the Institutes of Petroleum and Energy in 2003, The Energy Institute is the chartered professional membership body bringing global energy expertise together. The global energy industry, the people working in it and wider society all benefit from the EI’s work spanning the world of energy, from conventional oil and gas to the most innovative renewable and energy efficient technologies. better understand or contribute to the extraordinary energy system on which we all depend. Key roles include:
- Ensuring energy, and its critical role in our world, is better understood, managed and valued
- Better understanding and contribution to maintaining the energy system on which we all depend.
- Help to develop our members’ interest
Gather and share essential knowledge about energy the skills that are helping us all use it more wisely
Encourage the good practice needed to keep it safe and secure.
Articulate the voice of energy experts, taking the know-how of around 20,000 worldwide members to the heart of the public debate.
A safe space for evidence-based collaboration. A broker between industry, academia and policy makers.